Techniche 6529 Evaporative Cooling Sport Vest - Hi Viz Lime, S VHZ19_G4810

$50.00  $34.43

Product details:

The hyperkewl hivis evaporative cooling sport vest is the frontline in the fight against heat stress. This lightweight vest uses patented hyperkewl fabric to deliver super effective cooling to all key parts of the body's core. The lightweight vest can be activated with as little as a 2-3 minute soak and will offer active cooling for 5-10 hours. The water resistant inner liner keeps the wearer dry while being cooled. Simple v-neck closure works for a wide variety of people and jobs. 5-10 Hours of cooling per soak lightweight and comfortable fit water repellent nylon inner liner hyperkewl fabric inner offers effective active cooling without any bulging, leaking chemicals or slimy residue.